Free shipping on orders from $200* Australia Wide and $60 for our Local Legends*

Free shipping on orders from $200* Australia Wide and $60 for our Local Legends*

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The Urban Revolution team is all about discovering smarter, eco-friendly solutions and sharing those insights with our community.

We’re excited to connect and help bring your sustainable vision to life!

Our Store and Community

Urban Revolution is a Store Unlike any Other

With an eclectic range of gorgeous and innovative products everywhere at every turn, our customers tend to spend quite a long time browsing in our store, which itself was fitted out using only reclaimed materials.

Urban Revolution Store Image with Kate and Bec Staff Members

We try to always offer the very best alternatives and solutions for sustainable living. With technology changing so quickly, new products are constantly arriving. Many of our favourite products are made right on our doorstep by local people who hand-deliver by bike or walking – our suppliers become our friends.

Seed Boxes

Our customers are the loveliest people too! We are surrounded by people who want to do their best for our Planet, and they bring their hope and determination into the store. They inspire us, and we hope that we inspire them too.

Our days in the store are filled with questions and long conversations about how we can each contribute to creating a better world and our goal is for our online customers to have the same warm and wonderful experience.

composting workshop

The conversations continue into the wider community through our Urban Revolution Facebook PageInstagram, Urban Revolutionaries Facebook Group, workshops, market stalls, festivals, and conferences we take part in.

Our Recycling Station and Jar Exchange are open for all members of the community to drop off their hard-to-recycle waste and reuse glass jars for food storage and to take to local bulk food stores.

We also invite our customers to drop off their used packaging for us to reuse for our online orders. Our in-store worm farm runs on food waste from local restaurants (where we hold our staff meetings!), and we often give away free worm juice fertiliser for locals to use in the garden. Thirsty dogs are welcome to drink from the water bowl at our door, and their owners are invited to help themselves to a piece of recycled paper if they have forgotten their poo-bags. Locals out for a walk are welcome to add to or help themselves to excess organic produce our community ‘Abundance Basket’, and we love to have a chat with them and meet their dogs.

When people interact with us, we want them to feel:

  • Confident they can make a difference to the Earth’s health
  • Inspired to take action
  • Supported in the many aspects of sitting lighter on the planet
  • Enabled to use composting systems, create soil and grow food
  • Happy that they are improving their environment
  • Informed of the latest information and products to lessen their impact on the Earth

In short, Urban Revolution IS community – we’d love to have YOU join our community too.

Dog at the pet hydration station outside the store    

If you missed it, find out more about Our Story and Purpose and Our Values and Team

Two ladies buying locally-made knitted kitchen cloths