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Meet the Maker: Garry Eglinton from Treerings

  • 3 min read
Treerings are an exciting and innovative natural fertiliser product proudly made locally here in Perth, Western Australia. We caught up with Treerings inventor, Garry Eglinton, to find out a bit more about him and the story behind the product.


Garry eglinton inventor of Treerings wins award 

When did you start Treerings and why?

I was struggling to keep the trees on my property alive after planting, and when doing some research I found that our local council experienced the same issues during their planting projects, with only a 10% success rate of newly planted trees!

When I was out shovelling the horse manure into a wheelbarrow & wheeling it around to fertilise my trees and plants, it gave me an idea that perhaps there was a way to keep the manure in the one place for longer by compacting it, to provide nutrition for longer. I went into my shed and started experimenting with making a compact horse manure ring, using pop cake tins and a storm water pipe piece. 

I worked on it for two years, before I went deaf unexpectedly. This put a halt to the project for a while, until my son-in-law Tyron (a horticulturalist) encouraged me to pick it back up again. Together Tyron and I worked on the concept for a further six years, creating the Treering you see today!

Garry and Tyron from Treerings with an award

What is your career background?

I worked for 20 years for the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, as a Station Officer and Command Training Officer. I then moved to Perth to work in emergency response management for another 20 years or so. After losing my hearing and being forced into early retirement, Treerings became my full-time passion and I’ve dedicated the past decade to horticulture and gardening, whilst also working towards qualifications in the field. Continuing to grow this knowledge is what helps me continue to improve and innovate our products – my mind is always racing with new ideas!

Where were you born?

Adelaide, South Australia

Where do you live now?

I live in Perth’s foothills and have for the full 26 years since we moved here! I live with my wife Pam (a regular Treerings volunteer) and have four adult children – Lauren, Jessica, Bridie & Jayden who range from 21 to 33 years of age.

We live on an acreage, which is home our beautiful St Bernard Harley, German Shepherd pup Jax, chickens and horses.

Garry Eglinton from Treerings

What are your plans for the future of the business?

This is something everyone can use in homes and gardens, parks and community areas, developments, mine rehabilitation and farm regeneration. Being such an environmentally beneficial product, we want to share this product globally! While we will always be operating Treerings in Perth, we want to see it being made and used everywhere, helping improve soil quality and nurture trees and plants everywhere.

What is your passion project? What excites you most about your business?

Treerings can make a difference in both the urban and regional environments. I see every Treering sold as a new tree, plant or shrub that is helping combat climate change and improve our soils. It’s a very rewarding business!

Where do you source your ingredients and why?

All of our ingredients are locally sourced in WA! The horse manure component is donated from fellow horse owners and recycled paper is kindly donated from childcare centres, retirement villages and schools. It is important to us, and to our customers, to source local ingredients and support local and small businesses (being one ourselves). We’ve also recently been given authorisation to use the official Australian Made & Owned logo on our products, which we are very proud of.

Tell us an unusual fact about you, a hobby or skill.

I have a few hobbies! I’m currently getting back into my love of archery, practicing whenever I have the time. And when there is a good swell, I’ll be down at the beach catching waves on my stand-up paddle board. I make my own customised wooden paddles, so use the paddles to surf the waves.

If you'd like to learn more about Treerings and how to use them, pop into our Perth Eco and Garden Store to see them and chat to our friendly team.

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